Monday, December 8, 2014

For the Love of Writing

My first blog post is inspired by my friend Cassie W. who seems to write for the sheer joy of it as well as to give an account for her life happenings. Thanks for your courage Cas! I think this might be a Pr. 27:17 moment :)

I love to write. Or maybe I need to write. Either way I think it's in my blood TO write. My mother bought me my first journal in first grade. Which seems fitting. She has probably handed down some sort of gene for writing because I remember growing up finding printer paper filled with her thoughts everywhere. Letters to herself, other people maybe. I say maybe because I have dared reading a only couple of lines in my life time (as I understood the sacredness of personal journaling).

Here's why I love writing. I love to solve problems with writing. Problems with life. Problems with describing something. Problems sorting out the words to say. It's invigorating. I love the mailability of words. I love new words. I love to manipulate sentences. I love to create rhythmic patterns in my writing (even if they only make sense to me). And twenty some odd years later from that first kitten journal it almost seems unnatural for me when I'm not actively writing. It's almost like I feel clogged up inside.

However, it takes so much time to journal now that I'm a mother. Not to mention I get distracted by what pen to use (I'm obsessed with pens. Even that statement seems understated), what handwriting style to go with (there is a plethora dependent on what mood I'm in), and which journal to use (Iiiiii have a small library). I cannot express the feeling I get after I accomplish an expressive rant. And while I believe I won't ever stop journaling with pen and paper, I think it's time to introduce myself to online journaling/blogging for the sheer sake of getting stuff out. Life is too short and I have too horrible a'memory. And I enjoy writing too much to leave it alone. So blog, I suppose this is our meet que. (refer to The Holiday starring Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz for understanding this reference)

I have to say, this is taking quite a bit of courage for me because whilst I enjoy writing, I am *very very very very very aware of my shortcomings as I'm sure you are by this point.  People can love things they're not so great at and I humbly find myself in that category (and thank the Lord it's not swimming). I am also aware that whatever I write can be viewed by others. Which I am terrifyingly unaccustomed to. But alas, I am imperfect. I will always be. I will always struggle with spelling and grammar and life. And there is no need hide it. But in the words of **Owl City "Bombs Awaaaay..."

With Love,

p.s. Yes. I always signed my journals at the end so it seems fitting to do so now.

p.s.s. To clarify, this is technically my second blog. I started a photo blog that I could never seem to update since I'm so slow at editing. This is different, OKAY? (sarcasm).

Usually I write in the margins of my journals - giving more details to things - chasing rabbit trails - fun things I want to remember. This  " * "  is my solution to that problem. There's probably a better way to do this and I might not keep doing this but here are my side notes:
*My first Comp teacher in college said to never use the words "really" or "very" to describe what your saying. They do nothing. It's lazy writing. Just call me the self-aware-lazy-writer.

**Fun tid-bit: Justin and I danced to this song at our wedding. :) "You're the sky that I fell through..." baww! :)